A box of Candy Corns, must be replaced today without excuses; before Mom arrives from Colorado.
A night before, Joshua said to himself, “No one would notice one missing candy; while he grabbed one candy corn, from the kitchen’s jar. But after one minute, he repeated the same phrase, while eating three candies. One hour later, the jar was completely empty.
Joshua panicked, in his mind he had just grabbed three candy corn; but the empty jar, the evidence, contradicted him.
He knows his mother would be upset. He couldn’t blame Mrs Robinson, because she was allergic to sugar. The package must be replaced inmediatly. Walt Mart, was the better option; it’s was near home, her father could drive him, besides he have a good coupon for legos. The plan was simple: pretend a supply school emergency.
His father acted without questions. He drove Joshua to Walt Mart as soon as he asked. He was an amazing father, unpresent sometimes; but surely would die for his family.
But when in Walt Mart, Joshua understood that there is no perfect plan. Candy Corn candies were unstock; same thing in all stores over Kansas City; apparently there was a viral challenge on the internet, that includes one package of candies corns, one gatorade and sugar..
He arrived home stressful. Her mother could be hard sometimes. Hopefully she would forget the Sea Camp.Joshua have been waiting for this event, all year long. And He knows, how her mother loves to be creative with punishments.
As a brave soldier, Joshua accepted his destiny. Ate a full package of candy corn, was a terrible idea; besides he have stomach pains because of candies. He have to pay. He started to play Nintendo with his friend Carlo.
He doesn’t want to bother him, with his insignificant problems; Carlo‘s family have been endure difficult times. But Joshua was worried, and Carlo have always the best advice.
-I have a package of candy corn-exclaimed Carlo.
-Thanks Men, but my mother arrives tonight.
Well, then I have an idea. Print a picture of candy corns and place it in the jar. She wouldn’t notice the difference.
- I don’t think that would work.
It will, listen, I replaced my mother’s Tiffany ring with a fake version, I bought on Amazon.
-The ring you lost in the woods, when you use your brother Hat and pretend to be Smigel?, It’s not the same Carlo.
-No listen, Sometimes you can fake reality and parents wouldn’t notice, they are absorbed in their problems. Remember what professor Grinberg says about how reality it's base in our experience .
-My father said professor Grinberg it’s just a hippie with hippie ideas.
Bad or good idea, Joshua had nothing to loose. He printed a picture of candy corn and place it in the jar. The result was unexpected. When her mother arrived, she as expected checked the house from heat to top. But speacially the candy corn jar.
-Well Joshua, to be honest I thought you would eat all candies. But the jar is full. So proud of you.
Joshua felt relieve. The idea could seen crazy, but works. He thanked Carlo for his help. And continue with his game; but couldn’t took his eyes out of the candy corn jar.
-Carlo could feel something wasn’t right and asked Joshua if he was fine.
I don’t know Carlos. What if profesor Mendiola it’s right, what if reality it’s just in our imagination, and those we love and those candies we ate, are just in our mind. What if synthergic theory is true.
Man- said Carlos let me give and advise. When those existential problems attack your heath, just watch a viral challenge on internet. Those videos are really fun.
Joshua laughed. Carlo was a wise kid. and Joshua was happy to be his friend.